Quality Manager Joe, ANSELME fan and once-upon-a-time cricket player, has been with MYKITA already for 9.5 years. He kicks off the new series “Meet the HAUS,” where members of the MYKITA HAUS share their stories and impressions. We meet him on the first floor, where he has settled himself and his team within a stone throw of the production.
Explain what a Quality Manager does at MYKITA HAUS?
I’m responsible for making sure all MYKITA products are being produced to the highest possible quality standard. Through analysis, testing and communication all internal and external production processes are controlled, monitored and constantly improved, to keep production working efficiently and effectively.
What is on your desk/workbench right at the moment?
Parts of frames, lenses, coating tests, diverse performance tests and an apple.
Name the three most important things to you in your work and why:
Colleagues: Without their support and valuable insights and information for product/process improvements, the product would never improve.
Customers: They define the benchmark of our quality.
Suppliers: Without their co-operation, input and readiness for research and innovation many exciting new frames and ideas would never come about.
What inspires you professionally?
The constant ambition to be better.
The best thing about MYKITA HAUS is…
The informal, relaxed atmosphere.
What is currently your favourite MYKITA frame and why?
ANSELME. The glacier/ mountain-climber style frame has great proportions (unfortunately not for my face!) and lines. With its add-on flaps and colour combinations it’s a great showcase for the potential of MYLON and a real eye-catcher for me.
Describe MYKITA in five words?
Quality, Innovation, Zeitgeist, Flair and Diversity.
People might be surprised to learn that you are also an excellent…
Cricket player, once upon a time...