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MYKITA Website Headlines Mylon Svg

Our proprietary MYLON® is an award-winning material innovation pioneered by MYKITA. It is made from fine polyamide powder fused into solid objects using a 3D printing technology called selective laser sintering (SLS). We created an entirely new material category in eyewear and set the industry benchmark for frames made by additive manufacturing. The laser-sintering process behind MYLON® is resource-friendly with minimal material waste. 

MYKITA Modern Manufactory

MYLON® is light, sturdy, and adaptable – all essential properties in the world of eyewear. 3D technology offers complete freedom of design and MYLON® is 30% lighter than acetate, making voluminous frames much more comfortable and wearable. In addition, the durability enables slender constructions or smaller functional parts that are not possible with materials such as acetate.  

In the SLS process a laser fuses polyamide powder into solid objects guided by a 3D digital data set.

MYKITA Modern Manufactory

To pioneer the MYLON® material, we adopted technology from the automotive industry where it was used to make small prototype parts for engines. Our focus went into refining the laser-sintered surface and developing processes to smooth, colour and seal the surface with the aim of creating a product with distinct visual and tactile appeal. 
